Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Work/Life Balance

A few months ago our pastor Shane lent me a book to read: "The Busy Christian's Guide to Busyness" by Tim Chester of Total Church fame. I was struck by a section exploring 3 types of ethic:
  • The Work-centred ethic;
  • The Leisure-centred ethic;
  • The God-centred ethic.
A particular stand-out comment was related to a cycle of work/rest/play a la the old Mars Bar advertising hook: "A Mars a day helps you work rest and play!"

A popular phrase at the moment is the "work/life balance", which suggests to me that there is "work" and then there is "real life", as though work was not a part of life(!!) 
I want to advocate for a "work/rest balance", which I think more accurately captures the biblical idea. 6 days of work and 1 day of rest, a "Sabbath to the Lord your God".
This appropriately gives work and rest its true place.