Thursday, September 30, 2010

Just in CASE

On the Just in CASE blog there is a write-up about work - what does the Bible teach us about work? CASE magazine edition #24 explores issues such as finding meaning and identity in work, the place of work in our lives, is it God's plan in our lives, etc...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Personal Update

Aah the busyness of modern life...I don't how half of the bloggers out there get the time to jot down their thoughts, let alone regularly churn out entries...

This year has seen a flurry of activity in many areas of life.
Family: looking after two sometimes very demanding little ones;
Work: a secondment to a project team for a complex finance system as a Business Analyst has seen me on a very steep learning curve;
A group of Christian colleagues and I have also begun meeting as an EPT (Evangelistic Prayer Team) to pray for opportunities to share the glorious Gospel with our colleagues at work;
Lunchtimes on occasion I have gone out into Hyde Park with another person to do walk-up evangelism - a daunting but encouraging enterprise!
Study: I have begun Part-Time theological study at Moore College - a new initiative on their part, which means city workers like myself can dip a toe into the waters of theological study. All good stuff!

Moore College Open Day and Information Night

Thinking of Full Time or Part Time theological study?